Claim Letter And Resignation Letter
Claim letter Claim letter is a letter that sended by the customer to a company in order to indentify the problem with a product or service. It is also commonly used as the first step in the legal process of a personal injury claim and used to notify someone of incomplete or unsatisfactory work on a specific project, or more formally a breach of contract. Those kind of claim letter used as the first step in the legal action. How to make claim letter: . Tell the truth what already happen – make false claim is not only harmed and waste other people time but also it could make you get penalties under the law. Tell the spesific claim. . Be firm but courteous Sign your letter to attest to its truthfulness. Here the example of Claim Letter: A. Claim letter for breach of contract Mss. Erlina Saraswati Jl. Jakarta Raya no.01 Dear Mss. Erlina, It h...