Yogyakarta Art Tourism

name : Pipin Anjarsari
Npm  : 18614448
Class : 3 SA 03

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Yogyakarta Art Tourism

Yogayakarta Special Region (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) is one of province from 34 province in Indonesia. Yogyakarta is the only region which is still governed by a precolonial monarchy, the Sultan of yogya is the one who lead this city, and the recent Sultan is Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Here is a lot of tourism places that we could explore, from encient tourism, culinary tourism, art tourism, nature tourism, education tourism and ect. Because of yogyakarta is the central of art and culture in central of java, so I would like to concern talk about art and culture tourism places in yogyakarta.


The first one is Yogyakarta Palace (Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat). Yogyakarta Palace as follow known as Keraton Yogya is the Palace in Yogyakarta that The Sultan and His family stayed. Its also serves as culture and art center. In this place you can learn about javanesse art and culture by seeing directly. The karaton yogya has 2 booth doors. Those are entering from Tepas Keprajuritan and Tepas Pariwisata. If the visitors entering from Tepas Keprajuritan, the visitors are able to only enter Bangsal Pagelaran and Siti Hinggil, the visitors is able to see some of collection palace carriages, and then if entering from Tepas Pariwisata, we are ablte to enter manganti compelx and kedhaton where there is kencono ward which is the main hall of the kingdom.
We are able to see interesting things in yogyakarta palace such as we can see the daily activity of the servants, see the properties collection, and also the show of javanesse music and traditional dance. After we are enjoying to see surounded the palace, we could buy some traditional craft from Yogyakarta.
We dont need to spend a lot of money to entering yogyakarta palace. Its only Rp. 5000,- for domastic tourist and Rp. 15.000,- for international tourist. And also its open from 09.00 a.m – 02.00 p.m for all days. But i suggest you to visit it on week days to avoid the crowded.


The second is enjoying Ramaya Ballet show. Ramayana Ballet is a marvelous visualization of legendary epos in Javanese culture, Ramayana. Performed in an open stage, Ramayana ballet invites you to enjoy the story in a set of typical Javanese dance accompanied by gamelan music. It will be your great experience to enjoying this dance, especially for foreigner. We are not only able to enjoying this show, but also we could learn the history from that dance and enoying others interesting show, such as acrobat and fireball games. There are 2 kinds of places thats available to watch that show. First, in Purawisata Yogyarta that is located on Jalan Brigjen Katamso, to the east of Yogyakarta Kingdom. In the place that was recorded in Indonesian Record Museum in 2002 for performing Ramayana ballet for 25 years. The other place to see the ballet is the open stage and Trimurti closed-stage in the complex of Prambanan temple.
For the price is a bit expensive. Its start from Rp. 125.000- Rp. 375.000/ person. But the price is worth it for what you get from the show. The show would be start at 7.30 pm until 9.30 pm.

From the paragraph above we could conclude that we dont have to go far away for vacation. Because there is a lot of places that we could explore in Indonesia especially in yogyakarta.  

source   : https://www.yogyes.com/en/yogyakarta-tourism-object/arts-and-culture/ramayana-ballet/


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